Decision Fatigue
Why Choices Get Harder and How to Cope

Why Choices Get Harder and How to Cope
We all know the feeling - staring at a restaurant menu or Netflix homepage, paralyzed by indecision over what to order or watch. Or standing in the supermarket aisle, debating between multiple brands and flavours of cereal, unable to pick one.
Decision fatigue is the phenomenon where making choices, even small ones, gradually exhausts our mental resources. We struggle to make any choice. Instead, we procrastinate, act impulsively, or opt out of making decisions.
This mental exhaustion stems from how our brains function. Each decision - from the mundane, like what to wear, to more complex choices, like moving or changing jobs - requires mental effort and self-control. Our willpower is a limited resource, so it wears down over time, leading to decision fatigue.
The cumulation of daily choices, big or small, taxes our brains' decision-making capacity. As fatigue sets in, you may recognize some of its common symptoms:
- Procrastinating on tasks that require deciding or selecting between options
- Impulsive decision-making and risky behaviour
- Cognitive overload and difficulty concentrating
- Increased stress and anxiety
- Irritable mood and reduced self-control
- Analysis paralysis when faced with choices
- Tendency to stick to default options or old habits
Left unchecked, decision fatigue takes a toll on your productivity, performance, relationships, and overall well-being. Fortunately, with some deliberate strategies, you can combat decision fatigue and take back control of your choices.
Strategies to Overcome Decision Fatigue
Streamline Daily Decisions
Simplify many routine, low-stake decisions through habits and routines. For instance, lay out your clothes the night before or create a weekly meal plan so you use the same recipes. Formulate outfit formulas and food rules to follow. This limits daily decision workload, so you conserve mental power for higher-stakes choices.
Use Decision Tools
Construct decision matrices when tackling complex dilemmas with multiple variables. List the pros and cons when deciding between two options. Set up decision criteria grids for buying decisions like cars or appliances. Leverage these decision tools so you aren’t weighing every factor in your head.
Schedule Important Decisions
Decision-making requires substantial mental resources. So, make those critical calls when fresh - early in the day or week. Your cognitive abilities peak after rest, so schedule strategy meetings on Mondays rather than decision-drained Fridays. Batch less important choices for when willpower is lower.
Set Boundaries Around Distractions
Today's hyper-connected world bombards you with constant stimuli vying for your attention - email, texts, notifications. All act like little decisions, distracting focus. Set boundaries by disabling alerts, scheduling times to check messages, or setting phone limits.
Learn to Delegate
Asking others to handle tasks is an underutilized tool for reducing personal decision load. Delegate household duties and mundane work assignments rather than deciding everything yourself. Hire others to plan events or make household repairs rather than the cognitive drain of coordinating it all.
Eliminate Extra Decisions
Cut optional choices out of your day. Unsubscribe from emails pushing sales or offers if they lead to decision fatigue about whether to buy. Follow the same social media routine rather than constantly evaluating how to spend your time. Default to foods, outfits, or products you always pick rather than re-deciding each time.
Prioritize Rest and Recovery
Good decision-making requires good brain health. Prioritizing sleep, taking breaks, exercising, and other wellness fundamentals refuels your depleted cognitive resources. Designing habits and routines around adequate rest enables optimal daily decision-making.
Regaining Control Over Your Decisions
Decision fatigue creeps up on all of us. Understanding what’s happening inside your brain helps normalize why making choices feels progressively harder. The good news is that with some deliberate tools and tactics, you can structure your day to sidestep decision fatigue’s pitfalls, maintain mental focus, and determine your own choices and priorities.
Now, you have a game plan for combating decision fatigue and avoiding its unproductive consequences. Instead of becoming a source of anxiety, choices can signify freedom and alignment with your needs and goals. So next time you grab the cereal box or queue up for the next show without hesitation, celebrate the small win!